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 Volume One: A Broken and Contrite Heart

Tell me who, exactly, is Creator here
and who cannot provide themselves with
their next breath?
It is not you who are indebted to us.
Everything is graced.
Everything is graced.

Wrought of faith and doubt, fear and triumph, questions and convictions, these songs give a raw glimpse into the heart of a Christ-follower on a journey of healing, hope, and ultimate victory in Jesus.

This is Volume 1 of Beauty in Broken Pieces and contains thirty poetic prayers of varying themes. This collection sometimes utilizes gritty verbiage but contains no foul language. The volumes and poems can be read in any order.

Volume Two: O God, You Will Not Despise

As a watchman waits for morning’s clear light,
so I and my soul will wait for you.
With you there is unfailing love.
With you there is full redemption.
You yourself will redeem me
from the depths.
And white light will engulf
every mountain.

Wrought of faith and doubt, fear and triumph, questions and convictions, these songs give a raw glimpse into the heart of a Christ-follower on a journey of healing, hope, and ultimate victory in Jesus.

This is Volume 2 of Beauty in Broken Pieces and contains thirty poems of varying themes. This collection sometimes utilizes gritty verbiage but contains no foul language. The volumes and poems can be read in any order.

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